Sunday 30 December 2012

A European Puzzle

Can you solve the puzzle?

Warning: Its pretty hard so just do your best!

Your child will need some help with this puzzle. Play the Countries with outlines an capital with hints.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Christmas Rose Production

Our KS1 Production

We will be performing our Christmas Production on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons this week. The performance will be in the school hall. Please arrive in time to find a seat ready for a 2pm start. We are inviting Year 1 parents to come on Tuesday afternoon and Year 2 parents on Wednesday afternoon.

Where is Father Christmas?

On Christmas Eve you can track Father Christmas on his journey around the world. NORAD (America's Military) can use their radar and satelittes to track Father Christmas and you can watch him live. Click here to find out more.

Writing to Father Christmas

Dear Father Christmas, This year I have been a really good boy/girl ......

There is still time to write a letter to Father Christmas but he is really busy so you will have to send it quick. If you need Father Christmas' address then look at this Royal Mail website for detail. He promises to write back to you, if you send your letters by next Friday. Click here