

Maths Targets
Each term the children are set learning targets which are taught and tested in class. All children are expected to achieve the ‘must’ target. The majority or children are expected to achieve the should’ target. Some children will achieve the ‘could’  target.

We must know pairs of multiples of 10 to 100.
We should know pairs of multiples of 10 to 100.
We could know pairs of multiples of 5 to 100.

What does this mean?  A multiple of 10 is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. A multiple of 5 is 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 etc  
       We need to know pairs that make 100 like   10 + 90 = 100                     20 + 80 = 100
                                                                                  15 + 85 = 100                     45 + 55 = 100

Olympic Maths

Throwing events

In the Olympics, athletes try to throw javelins and discuses as far as they can. How far can you throw a football or tennis ball? Time to get practicing and you can measure how far using a tape measure.

High Jump

How high can you jump? Stand next to a wall and stretch your arm up as high as you can. Ask a friend to mark where your finger tips reach. How bend your knees and jump up as high as you can and touch the wall. Ask your friend to mark the spot.
Here is the maths part. Measure the two marks and find the difference.
If Mr Prosser can reach 200cm and when he jumps he got 213cm. He can jump 13cm.
  213 - 200 = 13cm

Maths Challenges

How many squares of chocolate are there?
I want you to break it in to single squares (1 square each). How many cuts would it take?
What’s the smallest number of cuts you could do it in?

Practice your maths by measuring out the ingredients and make some yummy pancakes at the same time.

Pancake Day

100g  plain flour
200ml milk
2 eggs
Place the flour in a mixing bowl. Whisk in the eggs and slowly add the milk. Then ask an adult to cook them in a frying pan. Add your own topping (I like banana and honey).
This makes 8 pancakes but I need 16. Can you double each ingredient?

Adding and Taking Away

Practise your adding and taking away to 10 in this fun target game. Click here or on the picture.

MATHS BINGO - This game makes up random number sentences, try to answer them as quick as you can. Click here to try it.





Robin Hood Game   - Aim at the board and try to double the number on the board. 

Doubles up to double 10 click here

Doubles over double 10 click here

Fancy trying something much harder?
Dinosaur dentist -  Solve number problems using your double facts to help.  Click here. 

Ordering Numbers to 100

Can you put the pieces of the caterpillar in the right order?

SAS Mission - Put the parachute and clouds in to the right order to complete the mission.


Here is a good tool at explaining how multiplication works. You should just focus on 2 and 10 times tables to start with.

Here are some good multiplication games.

What's my number?  -    This is an easy game to play with a friend. You think of a number between 0-100 and keep it secret. Your friend has to ask you maths questions to work out the answers. Questions like;
Is it odd?
Is it a multiple of 10?
Is it more than 20?
Is it between 40 and 50?
Does it have 3 digits?
Does it have a 2 in the units column?
Does it have a 3 in the tens column?
 Click here to play it online.

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